Who We Are

Wendy Miskin

It’s great to meet you! Let me share a little about myself. I was born and raised in Southern Idaho and then attended Ricks College, graduating with a degree in Computer Science. I also met and married my husband while at Ricks and we had our first child a month before graduation.

I worked professionally for a local web company doing customer support and website design while my husband earned his Bachelor’s, and then “retired" to freelance design so I could raise our four little kids. In 2013 I went back to school to earn a Bachelor’s degree from BYU-Idaho in Web Design. I currently teach web design full time at Madison High School in Rexburg and in my “spare" time do freelance design work.

When I’m not working or designing, I’m puttering around our yard, watching movies with my family, or playing fetch with our dogs Rex and Cody.


Website Solutions That
Simply Make Sense

  • A Step Above
I like to think that I'm a little bilingual when it comes to tech talk. One distinguishing characteristic I have is the ability to talk in layman's terms instead of speaking "tech". Many successful business people become intimidated by the Internet because it seems so "techie", and they can be taken advantage of by their lack of technical knowledge. I prefer to bridge that gap and work with clients to help them understand what they do need to know, without using any complicated or confusing jargon.